Curse of The Pre-Expedition I

Call it pre-expedition curse or whatever. Before the start of every kayk expedition I participated, something went wrong.

Everything was fine until I reached the airport. Then it was with exasperated horror when I discovered my portage bag was tearing at the sides, spilling gear. A portage bag is a big drybag with back carrying straps. It is extremely useful. Such a backpack will hold all loose gear (water bottles, drybags, etc), so as to lighten the kayak and free your hands to carry it.

5 cable ties later, I thought it was fixed. But when I reached Thailand new tears were discovered and buckles and clips were just falling out of their sockets!

I had only used this bag for 3 expeditions and it is already dead.

And as it happened, my kayak shoes and walking sandals decided to peel at the sole, too. I was flapping.

In all 3 cases, I suspected the glue that pressed different pieces together was second-grade. So much for 'waterproof capability', 'rough gear', etc. I am swearing off watersports gear which uses glue from now on !

Safely in Bangkok at 7pm, we made a mad dash to a supermarket to stock up food supplies, then to Mor Chit Northern Bus Station to catch the 10pm bus to TAK or MAE SOT. Turned out that it was a long weekend in Thailand and everyone was trying to get a ticket. Most counters were closed and people were jamming the open ones. There seemed no way North tonight. And our 7-day paddle was in danger of missing its crucial start date.

And then, Praset our taxi driver made a bold offer...


Anonymous said…
Thanks for posting this as soon as you got home! (Thks also for the call from the airport as soon as you landed)
We can hardly wait for your next episode!

To think that I was thinking of getting the same portage bag ...

I send the NRS shoe for stiching here by the local cobbler for RM8/- when I noticed the sole started to peel off. It has been good ever since.
Robin CHAN said…
aiyo, u should have gone to the four face buddha before the expedition.. hehe.. at least u have done something..

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