The Spectacled Langur at Sungai Pontian

The Spectacled Langur (Presbytis Obscurus)

The charming Spectacled Langur has dark grey to blackish fur, becoming lighter grey on the crown. The skin on the face is dark grey, the chin and lips pinkish, and the eyes surrounded with a thick white ring. The young are bright yellow. The species occurs in a variety of habitats including coastal and riverine forests.

They are active in early morning and late afternoon when family groups of around 10 individuals may descend to clearings in the forest or to the river's edge to feed on young leaves and shoots.

The word 'Langur' means that it is a leaf monkey. And indeed that was exactly what this langur was doing when I snapped the picture. It did not hear the kayak approach, and I was able to get close to observe a troupe of them. And when it did saw me it did not shy away (like some macaques I saw earlier), instead it got closer and started discharging his shit into the waters. What a welcome !

I saw the langurs at Sungai Pontian (Endau-Rompin area). Dave had drove 3 of us up to his future adventure camp for a recee and day trip last Saturday. It was a nice 6 hours paddle in and out of the river. Besides langurs there are also Smooth Otters, lots of bird life, and interesting animals tracks on the banks.

It was a hot day and I somehow forgot to bring water. I was all thirst and almost to the point of hallucinations - of ice coffee I had earlier, of drinking from the leaves. At the end of the paddle Dave was very kind and ask his staff to pluck some juicy coconuts for all.

Will certainly be back again at Sungai Pontian for more paddling, I told Dave I would like to do the paddle before sunrise the next time. Imagine what I might see !


Robin CHAN said…
wah.. got monkey, got coconut..

Next time must call me.. haha..
Francis Ho said…

I also want!! *putting up hands quickly* ;)
HappySurfer said…
No crocodiles? Mangrove swamps normally harbour them. No?

Fresh coconut drink on a hot sunny day.... best!
fullmoon said…
robin > next time fh2o wants to come over to do some kayaking @ johor. pls join !

happy > not sure ! but as you said it - usually crocodiles in mangrove swamps.

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