
Having finally started packing, I realized how entwined our lives are now with electronics. Even going for a supposedly remote Batanes, we are probably hauling many kgs of electronic gear along.

Phones, sat phone, VHF, GPS, videocam, cam, laptop, etc etc...the number of charges to bring is bordering on the comical. Even as batteries are rechargeable, we would still require more than 100 pcs of AA batteries to keep some electronics going.

Technology really change the way expeditions and adventure are planned and executed. I remembered a time without googleearth or mobile phones. And I can't imagine how previous adventurers during the last century must have done their planning.

Is it for the better? Certainly technology put adventure, even difficult ones, within the reach of more people. I believe that itself is a good thing. Who says adventure should be only for the adventurous?

It does take some mystery away from some expeditions, but it does make everything safer. Those born adventurers will always be able to find new challenges despite the enlightenment of technology.


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