Serenity at Sampean

While some let their emotions and thoughts known during the paddle, JB waited until tonight to unleash his diatribe.

I listened. He was concerned about safety, about missed timings, and rest times. Coming from a coaching background, he must have felt such things more keenly than me. While agreeing I could planned some things better, I tactfully suggested to him to see the difference between an expedition and tour.

His outburst woke Elke in the next room, who promptly issued a "Eh guys, time to sleep".

Mie Gomak or not, letting off steam on expeditions was as sure as doing night paddling with Huey. Lying on the bed beside a fuming JB, I thought he was going to be alright. He is a great guy to be with on expedition. And he is mature to know that steam is hot only for a moment. Unlike piss, it does not linger and dissipate quickly.
JB letting his paddle do the talking! Executing a pawlata roll in a Wisper. Photo by Mindy

I guessed I am more of a "let's peek round the next corner" type of paddler. Somehow I believe it was more fun to seek rather than travel. Seeking gives me a purpose, a goal, and a theme to keep the variations of events - happy or unhappy - harmonious. And I am sure each of us on this expedition have their own style of paddling. Coming together, it was ebb and flow.

Outside a bright moon paused above the peak of Pusuk Buhit, the sacred mountain of the Batak
people. Compared to yesterday, Lake Toba tonight was an illuminated image of beautiful serenity and calm.


Anonymous said…
I'm also a "let's peek round the next corner" type of paddler and that's How I got started as a kayaker - but I am NOT DELUSIONAL! ;)

Lucky you got it from JB only and not from Elke as well - I guess she's too nice AND too tired that night (after the beers)!

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